Alternative Testing


Testing Accommodations

Students with disabilities may receive test accommodations determined on an individual basis. "Test" as used in this context, refers to quizzes and examinations taken during the semester in conjunction with an academic class.

Students should discuss their specific needs for testing accommodations (e.g., extended time, separate location, use of computer) with the Office of Student Special Services before or within the first two weeks of each semester.

If the need for accommodation is documented by a licensed professional and deemed appropriate, the Office of Student Special Services will generate an electronic letter to each instructor.

Students are responsible for meeting with instructors to discuss exam considerations at the beginning of the semester. Preferably, instructors of the academic department will administer the test accommodations. If this is not possible, the Office of Student Special Services will administer and/or proctor examinations.

Reasonable accommodations depend upon the nature and degree of severity of the documented disability. While the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires that priority consideration be given to the specific methods requested by the student, it does not imply that a particular accommodation must be granted if it is deemed not reasonable and other suitable techniques are available.

Test accommodations, determined on an individualized basis, may include:

  • Extended time to complete examinations and quizzes
  • A testing location free of distractions
  • Special equipment such as a computer, magnifier, or brailler
  • Readers and scribes
  • Alternative formats such as oral or taped tests


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